First of all, welcome to the website! Thank you for joining me on this educational journey and experience. On this website and in the blogs, I will be sharing ideas that you could use with your students. I will share things such as organization ideas, classroom management stories and tricks, crafts, lesson plan activities, read alouds, etc.
I want to take a minute first to explain the name and goal of the website. The title of the website is Educate and Elevate. To educate means to both share personal knowledge or experiences with others and to give information or resources about a topic. To elevate is two-fold for me. One part of it is to inspire other educators to rise to the challenge of elevating their students to achieve the highest possible level of success in the classrooms that goes even further beyond that and into their future success as an adult in the world. The second part of elevating comes from wanting to encourage educators and families through everything they do in their daily lives even when education is so challenging.
The graphic accompanies the name and goal of the website because the brain receives information or input and gains knowledge and higher-level thinking skills, which can be linked to the concept of climbing stairs. This image matches the branding in that the brain is what most people associate with learning and education while the intake of information would represent the gain or elevation in knowledge.
On this platform, I hope to share ideas and resources that others can use with their students. I also hope to share encouraging stories of things that worked well or epically failed when I tried them in my classroom along with ideas of how to make them better. If I do not have a better idea or solution, I may ask for readers comments or suggestions of what might be a better approach; then, with their permission, I may share what others have shared with me and give them the credit they deserve for sharing ideas.
I would also like to invite you to follow my accounts on social media. In the spring of this year, I started an Instagram account for documenting and sharing activities and crafts with other educators and families. I created a Facebook page and a Pinterest account while I was creating this website, so there is not a lot on those two platforms yet. However, I will be sharing more on each of my social media platforms soon.
Lastly, if you want to check out the “Future Posting Ideas” tab, you can view some ideas of what might be coming in the next few posts. You could also share with me any questions or comments you have about the graphic or the ideas mentioned. You can send me a topic suggestion to explore and write about. I plan to share some craft instructions and templates that will be easy to incorporate for elementary aged students this next week. I intend to write about the needs of the students and families my district serves as well as resources that I am able to utilize to meet those needs.